When you invest in the stock market, you need to look out for the best stocks to make the maximum gains on your investments. Stock trading requires knowledge of analyzing stocks and their profit-generating potential. One such method of analysis is a technical analysis that helps assess the stock’s future price movements based on historical patterns. Here’s a brief look into the concept of technical analysis:
What is technical analysis?
Technical analysis is the statistical analysis of the performance of a stock. The analysis is done using the historical performance of the stock based on the movements in price and trading volumes. Technical analysis is different from fundamental analysis as it uses historical and statistical data to predict stock price movements.
Technical analysis can be done using different types of charts and patterns. One such common tool of technical analysis is candlesticks and candlestick patterns. Let’s understand these tools in details:
What are candlesticks?
Designed by a Japanese rice trader named Homma, candlesticks were drawn in the 1700s to represent the price movement of rice on a particular trading day. Later on, these candlesticks were adapted to depict the price movement of stocks.
Candlesticks consist of two parts, the wick and the main body. Each part of the candlestick represents a particular type of data. The anatomy of a candlestick is explained below:
Beginner Guide 2022 Candlesticks Patterns
- The wick
- The main body
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